Monday, September 13, 2010

My Friend...

Imagine a cake
With a candle
For every time you've listened
or really sympathized
or put someone else before yourself.

Imagine a candle
For every moment
You've given to others,
Every time
you've made a difference
in someone else's life.

The light
From all those candles
Would make the world
so much warmer,
and happier...
Just like you,
My friend..
Just like you...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Seriously, I am very lazy to update my blog but I think my blag is going to ' die ' soon. So, I will update.
It is a boring holiday. At home all day long. I am going to rot SOON.. Suddenly, I love to go to school.. studying.. at least I have friends to play with in school. At home, I only have ' mechanical friends ' to hang out with.. It's bored alright...
Sook Wei.. Jia Wen.. Wei Wen.. JY.. Jia Hui..
Jazumine Rainbow.. Carmen.. Winterwatermelon.. Yuki Exion XBlair.. Gnoel Fishy.. ♥